InnoDex Talks
daily presentations about innovative materials
15–17 November 2022
Location: Subcontractor, Jönköping
Organizer: ELMIA
Program development: Haute Innovation – Agentur für Material und Technologie
Presentation: Hon.-Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters
Unique products, new materials and designs. Lectures by top names in design and development. The latest technology. Experts on hand to give advice. That and more is what visitors find in the inspiration and knowledge forum Subcontractor InnoDex.
Subcontractor InnoDex is the arena for the industry’s product developers, design engineers and designers featuring exhibitions and lectures about new materials, innovative products and technologies, and creative processes.
November 15, 2022
Digital-Presentation: “The digital process chain – From the ultraleightweight seat to the NaMiKo project”, Kay-Markus Wulf (csi entwicklungstechnik, Germany)
The presentation describes the way from the ultralightweight seat project over the armrest to the sustainable NaMiKo center console. Driven by the motivation of the shift of the earth overshoot day over the years, the projects are described in context of three pillars of the sustainability approach:
1) natural resource use, 2) reduction of material- and energy consumption and CO2-emissions, 3) view of technology parameters. The fiber-roving winding technology XFK in 3D is presented, as well as the associated process chain to develop such components (CAD, CAE, CAM) in the course of the projects ULBS, armrest and NaMiKo center console. In the end an outlook of the next steps is given.
“ContiRe.Tex technology – Circular wheels from recycled polyester yarn“, Per Linder (Continental Däck Sverige AB, Gothenburg)
With its ContiRe.Tex technology, Continental is the only tire manufacturer in the world to use recycled polyester yarn, obtained through a unique process from PET bottles, in its series production. The material is used in selected sizes for the PremiumContact 6, EcoContact 6 and AllSeasonContact tires.
Continental only uses PET bottles that are not recycled elsewhere. No intermediate chemical steps are necessary. The technology completely replaces the conventional polyester in the carcass of the selected tires. A set of standard passenger car tires uses the material from around 40 recycled PET bottles.
November 16, 2022
“Sustainable printed electronics and paper batteries“, Dr. Gustav Nyström, Xavier Aeby (empa, Switzerland)
Emerging technologies within areas such as smart packaging, biomedical diagnostics and environmental sensing are shifting the requirements on electronic components, notably regarding service life, which counts in days instead of years. As a result, standard materials are often not adapted due to economic, environmental or manufacturing considerations.
In this presentation Dr. Gustav Nyström will show you how we use sustainable materials to develop inks, printed components and devices enabling a new class of safely disposable electronics. The applications that will be featured include biodegradable sensors, displays and paper batteries.
“Whether the Machine Building, Construction or the Energy sector – How welding revolutionizes Metal 3D Printing“, Kevin Affari (MX3D, The Netherlands)
Additive manufacturing has found its way into industrial production. While powders marked the start for 3D printed metal parts, it is limited in size and speed. This gap is filled by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). It takes the old tradition of arc welding into the digital era. Controlled welding robots stack weld lines on top of each other and create full scale metal parts.
WAAM brings the flexibility of 3D printing into metal production facilities and proves to be industry-ready. Complex geometries that were impossible or expensive to manufacture conventionally can be tackled by WAAM. All industries with large and complex metal components can benefit.
November 17, 2022
“Stretchable Electronics for the automotive industry“, Henrique Rézio (Soplast, Portugal)
On the mobility sector, current market standard for electronics is based on rigid or low flexible solutions that limit the adaptation of electronics on 3D shapes and on materials such as plastic, fabric, leather, textile or even new natural materials such as wood or cork. UNIC2 elastic electronics concept makes use of a step forward technology that unblocks for the first time several constraints.
Digital Presentation: “High-performance textiles for the automotive interior on the base of natural resources“, Benedikt Henkel (Natural Fiber Welding, USA)
Natural Fiber Welding NFW is fundamentally changing the way materials are made with a novel technologies for bonding, mixing, and forming plant-based inputs into sustainable, high-performance materials.
Especially the automotive industry is investing in NFW to help pave the way to decarbonizing their industry. With an unprecedented combination of performance, scalability, and bioneutrality, MIRUM is key to fast-tracking sustainable automotive interiors.
More about the fair activities: www.elmia.se/en/subcontractor
image: Conti-RE-Tex from recycled PET (credit: Continental)
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