Our Services

The European Green Deal and the digitization form the framework in which new materials will change our product culture in the long term. In the transition to a circular economy with digital high-tech products, sustainable material innovations are available to the economy as well as smart solutions for production, design, mobility and regenerative energy. As an agency, we support companies on their way to a successful future!

Materials for a Circular Economy

A decarbonized industry focuses on awareness of the environmentally friendly use of raw materials, thinking in terms of material cycles, resource-saving developments and regenerative energy technologies. We record the relevant material and technology developments for our customers and develop scenarios and product solutions for the markets of the future. Our offers range from carrying out trend analyzes for future technologies to material developments and communication solutions for technology innovations.

Our Services

Material Consulting & Technology Selection

  • Trend reports and road map analyzes
  • Material and technology research
  • Technology and materials advice

Sustainable Product Design & Material Development

  • Innovation impulses and workshops
  • Application scenarios for innovative materials
  • Sustainable product development
  • Development of sustainable material solutions

Innovation Transfer & Technology Marketing

Haute Innovation Materialexperte Sascha Peters 2021

Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters

Managing Owner, FounderKey-note speaker, AuthorHonorary ProfessorJury member of the Red Dot Award

HAUTE INNOVATION was founded by Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters in 2009. With his expertise, he is one of the most renowned materials and technology experts in Europe. Over the past 20 years Peters has gained extensive experience in various functions as a scientist, innovation consultant and design engineer, which he offers to customers from the automotive, construction and materials industries.

Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters studied mechanical engineering with a focus on construction technology at the Technical University Aachen and product design at Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts. He completed his doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen. From 1997–2003 he headed research projects and product developments at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen. From 2003–2008 he was deputy head of the Design Center Bremen, an initiative of the Bremen Economic Development Agency. In addition to his entrepreneurial activity, he was appointed honorary professor at the HAWK in Hildesheim in October 2019.

Sascha Peters is the author of numerous specialist books, some of which enjoy the status of standard works for university education. From 2014 to 2021 he was a member of the advisory board of the “Zwanzig20 – Partnership for Innovation” funding initiative on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. As a member of the advisory board, he has been supporting the German Association of 3D Printing e.V. with his expertise since 2018.

From 2015 to 2024, Prof. Dr. Peters was consistently appointed to the jury of the renowned Red Dot Award Product Design. He is a sought-after speaker on innovations in the areas of sustainability, smart materials and additive production and has given over 200 lectures worldwide.

Diana Drewes

Biodesigner, material developerTechnology scout, authorExpert in biofabrication with fungi, proteins and bacteria

Haute Innovation Material- und Biodesignerin Diana Drewes 2021

Diana Drewes studied product design at the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin. Since 2017 Drewes has been working as a biodesigner with a focus on “material development in construction” for the future agency HAUTE INNOVATION. Her focus is on initiating innovation processes at the interface between technology and biology.

Diana Drewes is co-author of the specialist book “Materials in Progress” and has been writing on material-related topics for various specialist magazines since 2015. In her lectures, she presents the latest innovations in the field of recyclable material developments based on natural resources and outlines production options using organic processes. From 2016 to 2020 she was a member of the international jury of the international 3D Pioneers Challenge.