Orgatec 2024 - Circular Biomaterials Woven Bark Jacket - Charlett Wenig

Circular Biomaterials

Special area on circular biomaterials

22–25 October 2024, Cologne

location: Orgatec 2024, hall 4, stand: E030 
organizer: KölnMesse
material selection and didactics: Hon.-Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters
exhibition design
: Diana Drewes

The European Union is on its way to a “circular economy”. The change from an economy based on a linear understanding of the use of resources to a circular one will change all industries. In line with the European Green Deal, the resources available to us should be kept in closed-loop circles as long as possible.

Materials for sustainable interiors

While in Central Europe the focus is primarily on reusing materials and increasing recycling rates, in other countries the aim is to move away from synthetic materials and materials with a high CO2-footprint.

The most far-reaching material innovations can currently be found in the biological cycle. Examples of the new class of technical biomaterials are textiles from banana fibers, furniture foams based on seaweed or upholstery filling made from cattail fibers, which decompose naturally in nature and are competitive with their technical and economic properties.

Ecoblaq wood colours - molecular treatment - Natürliche Holzfarben

Particularly in the furniture and interior design sectors, the trend towards biocircular materials can enormously increase material efficiency and improve well-being indoors. Above all, plastic-free materials support the traceability of entire facilities in the office and commercial sectors and in this way ensure the establishment of closed cycles.

In addition, an increasing orientation towards technical biomaterials based on renewable raw materials is leading to a significant reduction in CO2-emissions and even to the establishment of climate-neutral production processes. A factor that will become an all-important criterion for companies in the future!

With the special area “Circular Biomaterials” we offer exhibitors and visitors to Orgatec 2024 a unique look into future material worlds.

image above: Woven birk bark jacket (design: Charlett Wenig)

image below: Molecular wood colour (credit: EcoBlaq)