ProSweets ExpertStage - Snackable Ingredients - Diana Drewes

Snackable Ingredients - Sustainability first

ProSweets Cologne 2024 · Koelnmesse

30 January 2024 · 4:00–4:30 pm

Diana Drewes from Haute Innovation will talk to Laurids Pernice (Abnoba), Daniel Salzburg (Cascaritas) and Christian Vetter (Pilzling Cologne) about the innovative and, above all, sustainable raw materials that could revolutionize the future of the confectionery and snack industry as ingredients.

Green pressure is increasing – ingredients influence purchasing decisions

With the end of the mask requirement in public spaces, people returned to normality. However, the pandemic has given new impetus to the sustainability debate in society. More attention is being paid to the origin and sustainable sourcing of products and raw materials. The confectionery and snack industry is facing critical customers and is trying to convince consumers of its own products with the greatest possible transparency.

In addition to the usual quality features such as vegan, healthy or kosher, CO2 information will also influence customers’ purchasing decisions in the future. Technologies with locally available secondary materials are being tested that can enormously reduce the CO2 footprint and expand the variety of products on offer.

Whether it’s a refreshing lemonade made from weeds, soft drinks and teas made from unused coffee cherries or hyperlocally produced low-fat snacks: the industry is undergoing a global transformation towards snacks for a positive ecological conscience.

image credit: Cascaritas