Materials for a culture of decarbonised products

imm cologne · "The Stage" · KölnMesse

17 January 2018

Green lacewing silk, in vitro leather, chicory plastics, 4D textiles: the material developments of recent months are really something. This is because they point with unprecedented clarity to a transformation of our materials and product culture. With the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement, the community of nations has agreed to the decarbonisation of our industrial system. What this might mean can be seen in the outstanding developments of several scientists and designers.

New mechanisms of organic fabrication point out a path in the direction of closed material cycles. Through the use of natural waste materials, a new category of organically-based plastics is being prepared. The usage of biogenic material solutions allows us to direct our attention to the copying of functions from nature.

At the invitation of imm Cologne, Dr. Sascha Peters gave an outlook on current material trends for design and furniture construction as part of the lecture forum “The Stage”.

image: Organic fibers from green lacewing silk (source: Fraunhofer IAP)