Innodex Materials Innovation 2016
ELMIA Subcontractor · Jönköping/Sweden
9–11 November 2016

In his lectures in the Innodex lecture program at the Subcontractor Fair in Jönköping, Dr. Sascha Peters had presented some highlights of developments in the material sector and from the special show “Materials Revolution”.
9 November 2016, 12:00
“New materials for the furniture industry“, Dr. Sascha Peters, Haute Innovation, Germany
Sustainability aspects are gaining increasing importance in the furniture industry and in the field of design. Industrial processes based on the consumption of resources are more and more little accepted in modern housebuilding. The development of materials and manufacturing processes has been accelerated in the past years with the aim of recirculation of materials and use of materials that have no hazardous influence on human beings. Besides resources were created for manufacturing processes which up to now only played a secondary roll such as rice peelings, pineapple fibers or wheat straw. In his lecture, Dr. Sascha Peters will present some interesting material innovations based on bio-based materials and outline their potentials for the furniture industry.
10 November 2016, 11:00
“Material innovations for additive production and three-dimensional printing“, Dr. Sascha Peters, Haute Innovation, Germany
With a growth rate of 30 percent, the market of additive production is at present one of the most interesting industrial investment areas. The generative procedures have long ceased to be used only for the prototype manufacture. Its use in the direct manufacture of components has already reached a portion of 34,7 percent of the overall market of additive production. By the increasing use of generative manufacture users are expecting a wide offer of materials. Up to now, the use of technical plastic materials for example was only possible to a limited extent. However, this will change by means of the new materials offered. In his lecture, Dr. Sascha Peters will present some interesting new developments.
11 November 2016, 11.00
“Smart materials for efficient solutions in the fields of construction and design“, Dr. Sascha Peters, Haute Innovation, Germany
At present the smart materials technology is counting among the most exciting areas of innovation in the field of materials science. By using this technology, engineers and designers are expecting great things with the aim of reducing resources to a remarkable extent in the future in the implementation of complex technical systems. Because functions are integrated in smart materials that make them reacting on outside influences and lets them automatically adjustable to changing environmental conditions. In his lecture, Dr. Sascha Peters will present some of the latest new developments and outline the potentials of smart materials. Among them count for example an anti-icing coating as used by dragon-flies, dilating fibers or three-dimensional auxetic structures.
image: Wear compensation for ball screws by means of shape memory alloy actuators (source: Fraunhofer IWU)
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