Bio-based materials for a sustainable industry of the 21st century
Haus der Wirtschaft · Stuttgart
29 April 2014

The STERN-Forum “Innovation and Biomaterials” serves as a pathfinder for entrepreneurs and researchers in order to establish upcoming business contacts and collaborations. The event, which will be held in English, is organised in the context of the two EU-projects, nameley Biomat-IN and IN2LifeSciences. This will afford you the opportunity to engage with regional biotechnology, medical technology and other life sciences companies.
Interspersed between the plenary sessions entrepreneurs from all partner regions of the Biomat-IN and IN2LifeSciences projects will have the chance to present their own company in a short pitching session where they can introduce their technology solutions through an offer or their technology needs through a request.
In the plenary lectures, three speakers examined the topic of “Innovation and Biomaterials” from different perspectives. For the entrepreneurial part, Dr. Sascha Peters was invited to explain ways in which, in addition to technological innovation, the early application development necessary for market success can be ensured.
Program of STERN-Forum: “Innovation and Biomaterials”
scientific perspective – plenary session: “Biomaterials in bone tissue regeneration and biofabrication: advances and challenges”, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Head of Institute of Biomaterials at the Department of Materials, Science and Engineering at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
lunch break
entrepreneurial perspective – plenary session: “Bio-based materials for a sustainable industry of the 21st century”, Dr. Sascha Peters, Haute Innovation, Material and Technology, Berlin
Entrepreneur presentations
coffee break
regulatory perspective – plenary session: “Clinical DataRequirements in Europe”, Dr. Ing. Bassil Akra, TÜV-SÜD Product ServiceGmbH, Munich
Résumé of the event with following matchmaking/networking and opportunity to visit the regional entrepreneur´s exhibition
image: chair made of the bio-based material “Fluid Solid” (source: Beat Karrer)
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