Secret Materials Box

Communication media for the promotion of material science

Ordering party: European Commission, Brussels

Development of a material box with which the European Commission can raise awareness of the innovation potential of materials science and material development. The initiative is aimed at the general public as well as architects and designers.

Discover the world of new materials – an experiment set for young researchers.

The mission:

  • Developing an overall plan for a pleasant communication of the theme
  • A choice of innovative material and acquisition of material pattern from European companies
  • Presenting the material as well as technical details and usage potential
  • Implementing a material presentation in the framework of exiting experimental design developments in the material box: opening, info leaflets, material bags, helping kit to run the experiments, text, print and production of the box

The material box contains 5 material innovations. They were prepared and presented in a way that they would be easily understood for a couple of small experiments. The secret of “Secret Materials” is that it should be brought to the client(s) in a playful way. Presented were these material:

  • Shape memory alloys (supplier: Euroflex)
  • Ceramic wallpaper (manufacturer: Marburger Tapetenfabrik)
  • Thermochrome pigment (supplier: Cornelius Chemicals)
  • Afterglowing aluminium (manufacturer: Novelis Germany)
  • Multi-skin sheet with aerogel filling (manufacturer: Bayer Sheet Europe)

“The Secret Material Box brings the exciting world of new materials to the fingertips of Europe’s youngest and most imaginative researchers. The box is helping to raise awareness of the innovation potential of material science and material development, an industry that will be crucial to the European economy in the 4th industrial revolution.”, Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation

The project was translated into several European languages and was developed and implemented together with the communication agency Lekkerwerken from Wiesbaden, one of the best in Germany. Thank you for the great cooperation!

image source: Lekkerwerken