Series of events "Smart Surfaces"

Network measure to convey material innovations to the creative industries in Berlin-Brandenburg

Client: TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin

Piezoelectric plastics that can generate electricity under the influence of an external force, bionic materials with self-healing properties or so-called smart textiles that monitor the functions of the human body: materials with built-in intelligence are currently the focus of many scientists in Berlin. In the summer of 2012, the Technologiestiftung Berlin (TSB) published a study by Ines Junge on the technology and application fields of the capital region.

In order to accelerate the transfer of technological potential into marketable products and to involve users from the creative industries in design and architecture at an early stage, HAUTE INNOVATION was commissioned to develop and implement a series of events. This was carried out between autumn 2012 and winter 2013 and was extremely successful with an average of 80-100 visitors.

1st evening event: “SmartTex – Intelligent Textile Technologies for Designers”, 7 November 2012, Platoon Kunsthalle
2nd evening event: “Intelligent matter – functional materials and smart surfaces for design and product development”, 23 January 2013, German Center of Architecture DAZ
3rd evening event: “Energy Materials – Innovative materials for the energy transition”, 13 March 2013, ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory
4th evening event: “Smart Coatings for Design and Architecture”, 3 July 2013, Platoon Kunsthalle
5th evening event: “Materials for Smart Light”, 29 October 2013, ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory

The TSB Technologiestiftung Berlin stands for innovation and technology development in the capital region. It promotes science and supports the economy. The foundation’s work focuses on strategy development, education and science communication. The core tasks of TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH are cluster management, networking and technology transfer in the fields of life science & health, traffic & mobility, energy technology, optics & microsystems technology, ICT and other technology-oriented industrial segments.

The TSB study “Intelligent Surfaces” is available in bookshops or directly from RegioVerlag at:

image: Stretchable Circuits (source: Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin)