Creator Space Tour
Consulting on the implementation of innovation events regarding energy harvesting technologies
Ordering party: BASF
BASF celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2015. With 112.000 employees at six locations and 376 production sites all over the world, the company generates a turnover of about 80 billion Euros, making it the world’s largest chemical group.
With the aim of meeting the current challenges of drinking water supply in the African and South East Asian regions, of promoting a resource-conserving agriculture in North and South America and an intelligent and smart consumption control in the Chinese metropolises and of achieving a sustainable supply of regenerative energy in Europe, the company intends to implement a Co-Creation Program in the anniversary year. The Creator Space Tour will bring together people of different disciplines, origin and cultures and will motivate them to develop new ideas and approaches for urban life, energy and feeding by mutual exchange of ideas and thoughts.
After several stops in Mumbai, Shanghai, New York City, Sao Paulo and Barcelona, the final platform event will take place in the company’s production location of Ludwigshafen with the aim of combining and extending the subjects regarding energy harvesting and energy storage. The issues of energy supply of the future will be the main focus of the event. According to the International Energy Agengy (IEA) the global portion of renewable energy will probably increase by 40 percent between the years 2015 to 2018 and therefore make up almost one quarter of the worldwide gross energy production. Some countries intend to change its energy supply completely to renewable energy by the year 2050.
In his capacity as a creator, Dr. Sascha Peters will advise the company in the implementation of an event week taking place between November 20 and 29 this year. His comprehensive expert knowledge about the potentials of smart material solutions and energetic technologies will be a guarantee for the management and execution of the platform events with the aim of promoting the success of the Creator Space Tour and achieving an innovation-promoting exchange of ideas and thoughts between the participants in the event.
image: Return of energy from waste heat via Peltier elements (source: BioLite, USA)
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